
The Episcopal Church Welcomes You...

and at Holy Nativity that welcome extends to everyone! We are a parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania, covering five counties and based in Philadelphia, and led by our Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Daniel G.P. Gutierrez -- large diocese in The Episcopal Church, USA, (The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, Presiding Bishop), the official organization of the Anglican Communion in the United States. The Episcopal/Anglican faith embraces both catholic and Protestant tradition, tracing its roots to the earliest centuries of Christianity as well as to the ideas and ideals of the Reformation in England and Europe. While Episcopalians are diverse in every way, we share a corporate faith in a God whose unconditional love is embodied in the life, example and teachings of Jesus Christ, a love for well-crafted worship and music centered around Eucharist/Communion, a passion for justice and for caring for others in Christ's name, and an approach to the Bible and to life in faith which respects and incorporates scholarship, scientific inquiry, and individual conscience and differences.


We are followers of Jesus Christ serving the world.

We are followers of Jesus Christ serving the world. Holy Nativity got its start in 1978 as a mission church, aiming to be a less formal, family-friendly faith community.  Our present church was built in 1988, and we obtained parish status in 2008. We continue to welcome and include people of all ages and backgrounds. We strive to nurture and inspire one another, and all whose paths we cross, to follow more deeply Christ's great commandments to love God and all our neighbors. We do this through worship, fellowship, learning and growing in our faith, reaching out to those in need both near and far, and working to spread God's peace and compassion in our community and world.

Sundays at Holy Nativity

Worship is at the heart of all we are and do at Holy Nativity, and we do our best to make it possible for everyone to participate comfortably and meaningfully. We gather on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. to hear and ponder God's Word, and to pray in song, words and silence, sharing our prayer concerns and our occasions for giving thanks to God. Most Sundays we gather together around Christ's table, to share in the holy meal of bread and wine by which we are all fed.  When a priest is not available we form a communal Circle of Prayer and Scripture, reading the liturgy in turns, singing, and sharing our reflections, concerns and hopes with each other. Our joint worship renews and strengthen us to go forth and share God’s love every day of the week, and every moment of our lives.

On most fourth Sundays our desire to serve inspires us to bring food and prepare freezable meals for home-bound clients of Caring for Friends a subsidiary of Philabundance. This is one of our community outreach ministries. And like Episcopal churches everywhere we often offer coffee hour hospitality after church.

Contact Us:

Church Council Members                       (215) 598-3405           

Parish Office                 (215) 598-3405